First, thanks for downloading this and I hope you'll enjoy this A340 as much as I did designing it.

What this aircraft features

(This is the first version and it will be updated and improved in later versions!)

- Accurate dimensions.
- Many 3D parts.
- Full moving parts (Aileron , elevator, rudder, flaps and slats, landing gear, nose wheel steering, engine fan)
- Accurate textures
- Night textures (to be improved)
- Realistic A340 flight dynamics.

What you can expect to see in a later version

- More sohpisticated night textures. (Because this A340 was built with FSDS, some of the more sohpisticated night texture fuctions such as switching on and off the fuselage flood lights, I have not been able to make use of due to the still limited knowledge of this new design program, but they are being worked on...)

- Transparent cockpit windows
- and more...

I'll also be doing A330's. But no release dates yet.

I recommend Roy Chaffin's A340 panel and Mike Hambly's A340 sound package to go with this aircraft.

Tips for using this aircraft

- You MUST use 32bit colour in Flight Simulator 2000 to see this plane correctly. If you don't there will be a lot of flickering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Pause the simulation before switching views. This will save you A LOT of loading time.


1. Go to FS2002\aircraft and create a new folder.

2. Unzip the contents of this zip file into the new folder that you have created.
(make sure "use directory names" is selected)
3. Move sound to Fs2002\sound folder, and move gauge to fs2002\gauge folder
4. End of installation


*** You MUST use 32bit colour in Flight Simulator 2000 to see this plane correctly. If you don't there will be a lot of flickering.***